I have always known I had something more to offer to improve the world and peoples lives. I just did not know what and how.
So I was scrolling stressfully and half asleep through life and its adventures, during a marriage, two pregnancies and two ( beautiful ) babies, a family business and many more obligations …
I think that I hit the bottom when I had my second child. That is when I felt completely disconnected, unfocused and kind of lost. I felt like there is a whole bunch of new obligations I had to do and I felt like I was losing the grip. I kept forgetting things, I felt overwhelmt and stressed out.
That is when the personal development books kicked in. I just could not get enough of them. I kept reading everything I got my hands on. Learned a lot, started implementing and boom – saw the difference in no time. I felt alive, awake, fully aware and everything was finally clear. I started enjoying every moment of every day.
And then, it hit me.
This was it, this was my call: I need to put all this knowledge, ideas, inspiration and wisdom out there. Everything I have learned and implemented thus far can be of great favor and help for others. I really wanted to share my insights and ideas AND the system that actually works.
I strongly believe in Planzy and its hidden powers. It is an excellent have-it-all planner/journal/coach/inspiration/focus compass for anyone who is interested in having one planner for work/home/leisure/personal growth. Not only does it have everything you need for a happy, fulfilled and focused life, but it actually allows you to enjoy every day,to have fun and make most of your days.
As life serves us lessons as it unfolds, we never know what the future holds for us or for how much longer are we in this world. What we do know is this: we only have today, here and now.
This is why Planzy provides with a system that keeps you focused today and every day, keeps track of everything you need and keeps you inspired, motivated and amused. That is how you stay in the game for the long run.
Thank you for letting me into your life. I am genuinely grateful for the opportunity to empower you.
I hope Planzy Planner will make a positive change in your life and in the world! Make the most of your days.
Imagine. Focus. Improve
With all my love,